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Pre-Vet Studies

Randolph College’s pre-veterinary program offers you the well-rounded foundation you’ll need for this demanding career.

Why Pursue a Veterinary Career at Randolph?

Careers in veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, or veterinary research are highly desirable. But these days, competition for admission to veterinary school is stiff. 

The number of applicants  to the 33 accredited veterinary colleges in the United States has risen in the past decade.  Acceptance rates are between 10%-15%.  That’s why an excellent undergraduate preparation is essential.

Randolph College’s pre-veterinary program offers you the well-rounded foundation you’ll need for this demanding career.

It will also thoroughly prepare you for admission to veterinary school or other graduate programs in the field.

Preparing for Veterinary School

Select a Major

You can major in anything. The choice of major is not a factor in veterinary school admissions decisions.

However, most pre-vets major in biology because of the extensive biology requirements as well as the preparation it provides for the biology subject test of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), a prerequisite to admission to many veterinary colleges.

Academic Performance

Good grades in science are important. Vet school applications are extremely competitive. You need As and Bs in most of your science courses and a 3.0 or better to apply to most schools. 

The Academic Services Center can help you meet this challenge.

The Liberal Arts Advantage

Excellent preparation makes the difference. You will interview with vet schools as part of the application process.

Randolph’s liberal arts education provides you with a strong foundation in communication skills, and the Career Development Center offers you practice in “mock” interviews.

We also recommend that you take a course in public speaking.

Faculty Mentors

Your faculty advisor will help you develop your Randolph Plan to chart a path that will help you meet your goals. 

The faculty health professions advisor will assist you with any additional academic or co-curricular requirements and application procedures, and will act as a resource.


Required Courses

  • General and organic chemistry
  • Mathematics (as preparation for physics)
  • Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • Physics (calculus-based or noncalculus-based physics)
  • Physiology
  • Public speaking courses
  • Writing and rhetoric courses
  • Zoology

Recommended Courses

  • Advanced biology courses such as genetics and developmental biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioethics
  • Other advanced biology courses (varies by school)

Practical Experience


An internship is essential to students interested in veterinary medicine, and most schools require experience in handling a variety of animals outside a classroom setting. 

You should gain experience with large and small animals and, if possible, with research animals. 

Randolph College offers you options for internships both on- and off-campus:

  • On-campus
    • Most of our students engage in advanced level research projects with their faculty mentors, such as those offered as part of the Summer Research Program.
  • Off-campus
    • Amherst Veterinary Hospital
    • Animal Emergency Medical Center
    • Tampa Zoo
    • Windhaven Equine Clinic

In addition, many veterinarians are willing to work with pre-vet students—check with the Career Development Center and local vets for summer job opportunities.

Natural History Collection

The Randolph College Natural History and Archaeology Collections, established in 1895, contain hundreds of zoological specimens including birds, mammals, fishes, reptiles, insects, marine invertebrates, and fossils.

The collections boast an excellent herbarium containing thousands of specimens of plants indigenous or introduced to the eastern United States, specifically Central Virginia.

The collections offer a cross-disciplinary approach to developing crucial skills of observation and methodology in the research of natural sciences. 



The College has a long tradition of alumnae and alumni networking. The alumnae and alumni contact database gives you access to Randolph graduates in the field from all over the country.

Top Ranked Professors

Randolph College’s faculty are consistently recognized as among the best in the nation. The Princeton Review ranked the College in the Top 20 for most accessible professors in the 2021 edition of its flagship college guide, The Best 387 Colleges.

Randolph has been ranked in the top 20 for most accessible professors for four consecutive years.

Health Professions Advisor

The faculty health professions advisor will guide you, serve as a resource, and answer questions about academic or co-curricular requirements and application procedures.

Ann Fabirkiewicz

Charles A. Dana Professor of Chemistry, Pre-Medical and Pre-Veterinary Studies Advisor

Read More... Ann Fabirkiewicz

Only at Randolph

Randolph students can take advantage of unique programs which give them a more enriching education than can be found anywhere else.

Money for Your Research

The Randolph Innovative Student Experience (RISE) program provides every student a $2,000 grant to fund research, creative work, experiential learning or other scholarly pursuits.

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The Randolph Plan

Randolph students work with faculty mentors to explore a broad range of disciplines as they chart their academic path.

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The Liberal Arts Advantage

Randolph graduates learn to think critically, solve problems and work well with others. They are prepared to succeed in all aspects of life.

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Two courses per half-mester means you get to focus in and dig deep into your coursework while still having time for the rest of the college experience. Two classes. Seven weeks. Repeat.

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Randolph included in Princeton Review’s ‘Best 390 Colleges’ guide

The Princeton Review has once again recognized Randolph.

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Randolph featured in 2025 ‘Fiske Guide to Colleges’

The 2025 edition of the guide praised Randolph for pursuing “its traditional mission of strong liberal arts through a unique and creative curriculum.” 

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Randolph named a College of Distinction for second year in a row

The honor recognizes the College’s high-quality education, hands-on learning, strong student-faculty relationships, vibrant campus life, and stellar student outcomes.

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Randolph included in Princeton Review’s ‘Best 390 Colleges’ guide

The Princeton Review has once again recognized Randolph.

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Randolph featured in 2025 ‘Fiske Guide to Colleges’

The 2025 edition of the guide praised Randolph for pursuing “its traditional mission of strong liberal arts through a unique and creative curriculum.” 

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Randolph named a College of Distinction for second year in a row

The honor recognizes the College’s high-quality education, hands-on learning, strong student-faculty relationships, vibrant campus life, and stellar student outcomes.

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Ann Fabirkiewicz

Charles A. Dana Professor of Chemistry, Pre-Medical and Pre-Veterinary Studies Advisor

Credentials:Ph.D., University of Tennessee
B.S., University of Michigan
Associated Departments:Chemistry, Preparing to Study Medicine, Preparing to Study Veterinary Medicine
Office:214 Martin Hall

News Headlines

I knew I wanted to be an organic chemist in high school and that I wanted to teach it at the college level by my sophomore year, so I’m pretty sure I’ve found my dream job! I also get to teach Biochemistry, a course in nutrition and Topics in Organic Chemistry. I advise students interested in the health professions and enjoy helping students both sort out their interests in the many fields available and work through the admissions prerequisites and required paperwork.

My current research interests involve the study of techniques to quantify antioxidants in foods and beverages as well as developing TLC staining methods for antioxidant fingerprinting. My students and I have analyzed chocolate, fresh and bottled juices, herbal teas, and colored rices most recently.
